Drumming lessons at Wellow House School
Lesson Details for Drumming at Wellow House
🕒 Timing: Lessons are run on a weekly basis (Monday mornings) between 9 am and 12 noon, with each session lasting 30 minutes one-on-one.
💰 Pricing: £22 per half-hour lesson.
🎯 Aim: The aim of the lessons is to create a consistent weekly education, helping children develop competency on the instrument. Children can start drumming from reception class upwards.
📣 Feedback: Feedback is available to parents on demand; please contact us using any of the details on our website.
🥁 Equipment: All equipment is provided during lessons, offering a variety of resources from acoustic drum sets, electric volume-controlled drum sets, practice pads, and silent drums, to headphones, PA, and percussive instruments.
🌐 Online Resources: Sheet music, backing tracks, and worksheets for practice outside of our lessons are available online in our 'For Students' section.
🔍 Equipment Advice: It is not essential to have drums at home to get started in school. Rockley Music provides information and advice to parents on purchasing equipment upon request.
👨🏫 Tutor: The tutor in school is Mr. Charlie Olley.
📋 Bookings: All bookings are made directly with Rockley Music (see form below).
👋 Cancellation Policy: You can cancel at any time by providing notice via email or by giving us a call.
🥁 Practise Pads and Sticks: Click here to buy.
📞 Drumming Helpline: 01949 829 285
Here's how to enrol
Complete the form below
Pay by credit or debit card
Confirm your booking by creating a Rockley Music secure FuturePay membership agreement
One-off registration, no need to reapply each half term
Piece of mind that you always have a place and you're up to date with payment
You may cancel anytime, only a half term notice is required